Planet Pod talks Brexit, fish and the environment with the two Toms!.....

Join Amanda as she explores with our expert guests Dr Tom Appleby and Dr Tom West what leaving the EU, its regulations and the jurisdiction of the European Courts might mean for the environment in the UK. Will we be like fish out of water? Will we have to swim against the tide? Will it open up a can of worms? Or will it help us find whole new ways to get to Net Zero?  Listen in to what our experts have to say!

Our guests:


Dr Thomas Appleby is an Associate Professor at the University of the West of England and Head of Legal Affairs and trustee of the Blue Marine Foundation. He has worked involved in around marine conservation for nearly 20 years, he helped set up Scotland’s first no take zone and worked with a number of environmental NGOs to apply the European environmental law to fisheries. He has researched the impact of Brexit on UK fisheries law, given evidence to Parliament and is leading the Blue Marine Foundation’s response to Brexit.  Tom has a DPhil in marine and fisheries law  from UWE, was formerly a practising commercial property law for nearly 10 years and is still a non-practising solicitor.


Dr Tom West has been at ClientEarth since January 2016. Initially working in the biodiversity team, he now leads on ClientEarth’s work in response to Brexit and the associated law and governance reforms. Leaving the EU has resulted in the creation of new environmental laws and emerging threats to hard-won environmental protections, as well as changes to our legal system: we work to make sure these are designed to enhance and not weaken where we are now. Before joining ClientEarth, Tom completed a PhD at the University of Nottingham School of Law on environmental rights and rights of nature